Kim Clack Whelan
5th September 2022 Update:
I had to have a second operation done to remove all my lymph nodes and another lumpectomy done as a spread showed in my first lymph node removal. And now I have to have another 14 rounds of a trial drug to try kill this all off for good. So I’ll be starting that new treatment on the 16th of this month.
9 th March 2022
In early November of 2021, my 2-year-old daughter Lily was jumping on my bed and landed on my left breast with her elbow. She took my breath away. 5 days later in the shower I found a lump on my left breast. I went to see my GP the following day who referred me for a mammogram. 3 weeks later I went in for my appointment on my own because of covid restrictions. I had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies done at St. Vincent’s University Hospital. I had a few mammograms done as they couldn’t get the area properly. I knew then there was something wrong. Everyone who came in after me had already left and I was still there.

All I could think of was my twins JJ and Lily who would have been a little over 2 years of age and my 4 step sons Nathan 17, Sam 15, Luke 12 and Max 10 thinking would I be around to see them grow up, go to college, get married etc.
My doctor, Dr McCartan went through all the stages of what was going to be happening. 6 rounds of chemotherapy (Taxotere and Carboplatin) and immunotherapy (Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab) then surgery then 10 more rounds of immunotherapy then maybe radiation (still to be decided). I started my first chemotherapy and immunotherapy on the 21st of December, I was so sick after it that I ended up in hospital on New Year’s Day. I am 3 sessions down now and have suffered after each session, but I just need to stay positive and be strong as I can. My husband has been my rock through this. He picks me up when I’m down, he wipes away my tears when I’m crying, and he always puts a smile on my face. Our families and friends have been amazing too through all of this.
I really hope this time next year I will be looking back at all of this and thinking how I got through it all, but that it can be done and I will do it, I will fight till the end.
She has raised €4,513.39 for Breast Cancer Ireland on a recent Instagram fundraiser post.