Research discovery is the reason we have more time together.

We will transform breast cancer from sometimes being a fatal disease (730 deaths annually) into a treatable illness that can be managed long term. Speed of research discovery will ultimately achieve this vision by affecting better and more effective treatment options for patients diagnosed.


Our Impact

Through research our survival rates have increased to 88%.

We have 2% reduction annually in mortality rates.

With sophisticated tissue tests, each patient is receiving personalised and tailored treatment plans.

Annually, we are seeing over 35,000 women and young girls through our Education and Outreach complimentary awareness programme.

Raising on average €3m per annum to support our ongoing research efforts nationally.

Through research our survival rates have increased to 88%.

We have 2% reduction annually in mortality rates.

With sophisticated tissue tests, each patient is receiving personalised and tailored treatment plans.

Annually, we are seeing over 35,000 women and young girls through our Education and Outreach complimentary awareness programme.

Raising on average €3m per annum to support our ongoing research efforts nationally.


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31augalldayVery Pink Run Dublin

01sepalldayVery Pink Run Kilkenny

08sepalldayVery Pink Run Cork

27octalldayDublin Marathon

8 Signs & Symptoms of Breast Cancer

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